Tuesday, June 1, 2010


As well as the 22 players,referee,coach, behind the scenes a whole army of people is needed to makes today's football matches happen.
The timetable describes here is very generalized, but it does give an insight into the preparation involves in putting on a football match.

8:30 a.m. Ground staff open up, pitch investigated
9:00 a.m. General office and ticket office open.
9:15 a.m. Match programmes delivered.

9:30 a.m. Home-team kit laid out.

11:00 a.m. Catering staff begin to prepare meals for sponsors and guests.
12:00 p.m. Match officials arrive, investigate pitch and erect the goal posts.
12:45 p.m. Police and other security arrives, closed circuit tv monitors switched on.
1:00 p.m. Home-team players arrive.
2:00 p.m. Fans arrived.
2:45 p.m. Manager gives pre-match team talk.
3:00 p.m. Match kicks off.
4:45 p.m. Game ends. Fans begin to leave.
5:00 p.m. Players shower,kits sorted for washing.
5:30 p.m. Team leave.
6:30 p.m. Stadium empty.

Zinedine Zidane

Zidane one of the best players in soccer history. He is a legend of soccer world. He was a back bone of France. And that was proved in the previous World Cup against Italy. The famous Head butt of Zidane put France in trouble. He was born 23 June 1972 Marseilli, France. He played for club teams in France, Spain, and Italy. His career most biggest acheivement was two goals in the final of world cup 1998 against Brazil. He won the golden shoe in both world cups of 1998 and 2006. He also gave special moments in Real Madrid. Zidane played his first professional game for Cannes in 1991 and quickly rose through the professional ranks.

Zidane was awarded FIFA player of the year in 1998, 2000 and 2003. Well he played his last game against Italy in the Final of previous World Cup. His career was full of joy and great achievements. Well before leaving football he left his trade mark the famous " HEAD BUTT ". We all were upset to see that red card. But it was a great scene. And one of the famous remembered moments.

Here is what actually happened on the field. While defending Materazzi covered Zidane and pulled his shirt. After that Materazzi showed some emotions on which Zidane responded that take my shirt if you like it so much. Materazzi replied I'd rather have your sister. After that Zidane gave a header. Materazzi apologized saying that he did not knew Zidane had a sister.

World Cup 2002 goals


The stars of any football match are the players. However, there are many other people involved whose presence is important in succeeding a match.
Some of these people are listed below.

The manager
A manager is the person who is player boss and his job is to create a wining team. He plans trainings, tactics and motivates the player before the match. Almost all managers will have been players themselves,although the best player do not necessarily make the best player.

The coach
The coach i the person who runs training programme. He keeps an eye on player fitness and works closely with manager to decide which aspects of the game the team needs to work on.

The physiotherapist
During a game the physiotherapist has to be ready to run on to the pitch at any time to attend to injured players. Its his/her job to ensure that the player is fit enough to play in a match.

Preparing the kit
The person who organizes the teams's kit has to make sure that each player has a full personalized kit, including clean shirts, socks and boots for daily training sessions to real games.

The ground stuff
Maintenance of the pitch is essential and a team of people are responsible for keeping weeds at bay and limiting the damage caused by the environment and matches.